06 - Security and File Permissions in Linux

Linux Accounts

  • A Linux account is a unique user identity that grants access to a Linux system.

  • It consists of a combination of a username, password, user ID (UID), group ID (GID), and associated permissions that define the user's ability to interact with the system.

  • Every user in Linux has an associated account.

  • Information about a user is stored in /etc/passwd file.

      [~]$ cat /etc/passwd
  • Information about groups is stored into /etc/group file.

      [~]$ cat /etc/group

Break down of User Accounts

  • Each user has a username, a unique ID (UID), group ID (GID) (of the group they are part of) assigned to them.

  • A user can be part of multiple groups.

  • When the user is created and no group is specified, it assigns the user to a group with the same ID and name as the user ID. That’s the primary GID of the user.

  • The user account also stores information about the home directory and the default shell of the user.

  • id <username>: It lists the username, UID, GID and the groups user is part of.

      [~]$ id michael
      uid=1001(michael) gid=1001(michael)groups=1001(michael),1003(developers)
  • More details about the user account can be found in /etc/passwd eg. default shell, home directory.

      [~]$ grep -i michael /etc/passwd

Types of Linux Accounts

  1. User Accounts:

    • These accounts are created for individuals or applications that need access to the Linux system.

    • They have a dedicated home directory created inside /home.

    • Examples: Regular user accounts created by an administrator or through the system’s user management tools.

    • Example: rohit, michael

  2. Superuser Accounts:

    • A superuser account is the root which has the UID 0.

    • The superuser has unrestricted access and control over the system.

    • Example: root

  3. System Accounts:

    • These accounts are created for running system services or processes during OS installation. They are often not used for logging in directly.

    • UID for system accounts are usually under 100 or between 500-1000.

    • They do not have a dedicated home directory and even if they do, the home directory is not created under /home.

    • Examples: ssh, mail

  4. Service Accounts:

    • Service accounts are similar to system accounts and are created when services are installed in Linux.

    • Example: nginx service makes use of a service account called nginx.


  • id <username>: To lists the username, UID, GID and the groups user is part of.

      [~]$ id michael
      uid=1001(michael) gid=1001(michael) groups=1001(michael),1003(developers)
  • who: To see the list of users currently logged.

      [~]$ who
      bob pts/2 Apr 28 06:48 (
  • last: Displays the record of all logged-in users along with the date and time when the system was rebooted.

      [~]$ last
      michael    :1    :1                      Tue May 12 20:00 still logged in
      sarah      :1    :1                      Tue May 12 12:00 still running
      reboot     system boot 5.3.0-758-gen     Mon May 11 13:00 - 19:00 (06:00)

Switching users

  • su: To switch to any user.

      [~]$ su –
      root ~#
  • su -c <command>: To run a specific command you can use su -c "whoami" (This is not recommended way)

      [michael@ubuntu-server ~]$ su -c "whoami"
  • sudo: To run a command as a root user (recommended).

      [michael@ubuntu-server ~]$ sudo apt-get install nginx
      [sudo] password for michael:


  • Users listed in /etc/sudoers file can make use of sudo command for privilege escalation.

      [~]$ cat /etc/sudoers
  • To restrict anyone from directly login as root login, this can be done by setting nologin shell.

      [~]$ grep -i ^root /etc/passwd

Access Control Files

  • Access Control files are stored under /etc directory.

  • It can be read by anyone and can be only edited by root user.

  • The access control files are not allowed to modified using a text editor. To add or modify the access, use the built-in commands.

Types of Access Control Files

  1. /etc/passwd (password file):

    • Contains detailed information of one’s account i.e. username, UID, GID, home directory, and shell.

    • This file does not save or store any passwords.

        [~]$ grep -i ^bob /etc/passwd
  2. /etc/shadow:

    • Passwords are stored under this file.

    • The contents of this file are hashed.

        [~]$ grep -i ^bob /etc/shadow
  3. /etc/group:

    • This file stores information about all user groups on the system, such group name, GID and members.

        [~]$ grep -i ^bob /etc/group

User Management

  • useradd <username>: To create a new user in the system.

      $ sudo useradd bob
  • passwd <username>: To set the password for the user.

      $ sudo passwd bob
  • whoami: To check the uid or username of the user logged in.

      $ whoami
  • passwd: To change the own password for the user.

      $ passwd
  • useradd command be used along with many attributes as show below.

      $ useradd -u 1009 -g 1009 -d /home/robert -s /bin/bash -c "Mercury Project member" bob
      $ id bob 
      uid=1009(bob) gid=1009(avenger) groups=1009(avenger)
      $ grep -i bob /etc/passwd
      bob:x:1009:1009:Mercury Project member:/home/bob:/bin/bash
    • -c = custom comments

    • -d = custom home directory

    • -e = expiry data

    • -g specific GID

    • -G = create user with multiple secondary groups

    • -s = specify login shells

    • -u = specific UID

  • userdel <username>: To delete a user account.

      $ userdel bob
  • groupadd –g <custom-GID> <group-name>: To add a new linux group.

      [~]$ groupadd –g 1011 developer
  • groupdel <group-name>: To delete a group.

      [~]$ groupdel developer

File Permissions and Ownership

Linux File Permissions

  • ls command can be use to determine the type of file.

      $ ls -l bash-script.sh
      -rwxrwxr-x 1 bob bob 89 Mar 17 01:35 bash-script.s
    • The first letter of the first column (-) in the listing from ls -l command indicated the file type.
File TypeIdentifier
  • Other characters such as rwx in the first column describes the file permissions in Linux.

  • These characters can be broken down as the owner permissions, group permissions and permissions for others.

  • First three characters after the file identifier are the permissions for the owner of the file denoted by the letter u.

  • The next three characters are permissions for the group owning the file denoted by g.

  • The last three characters are the permissions for all other users, denoted by o.

BitPurposeOctal Value

  • With directory, the same set of permissions are applicable as of files.
BitPurposeOctal Value
-No Permission0


  • In Linux, the system identifies the user trying to access the file or directory and checks the permission sequentially.

  • If the user trying to access is the owner, the owner’s permissions for the file are applied and the rest is ignored.

  • Similarly, if the user is not the owner but part of the group, only the group permissions are applied, the others are ignored.

Octal Values

  • The rwx permissions can be represented by a three digit numeric value in octal notation and each notation has a corresponding value.
BitPurposeOctal Value
-No Permission0

Modifying File Permissions

  • chomd <permissions> file: To modify the permissions of a file.

  • Permission can be modified in two ways, symbolic mode and numeric mode.

Symbolic mode

  • In symbolic mode, the first character following the chmod command specify whose permission we want to alter or change.

    u = user

    g = group

    o = other

    + = grant access

    - = revoke existing access

      $ chmod u+rw test-file        # provide full access to owner
      $ chmod ugo+r-x test-file     # provide read access to owner, group and others, remove execute access
      $ chmod o-rwx text-file       # remove all access for other 
      $ chmod u+rwx,g+r-x,o-rwx test-file    # full access for owner, add read, remove execute for group and no access for others

Numeric Mode

  • In numeric mode, we have to specify the permission to be updated in three digit octal values.

  • The first of the three digit value is the permission for the owner, next is for the group and last digit is for the others.

      $ chmod 777 test-file         # provide full access to owners, group and others
      $ chmod 555 test-file         # provide read and execute access to all
      $ chmod 660 test-file         # procide read and write access to owner, group and no access to others
      $ chmod 750 test-file        # full access to owner, read and execute for group and no access for others

Change Ownership and Group

  • chown owner:group file: To change the ownership and group of a file.

      $ chown rohit:developer test-file        # changes owner to rohit and group to developer
      $ chown rohit android.apk                # changes just the owner of the file to rohit and group is unchanged
      $ chgrp android test-file                # change the group for the test-file to the group called android



  • SSH is used for logging into and executing commands on a remote computer.

  • ssh <hostname OR IP address>: To login to the remote server with hostname of IP address.

      $ ssh <hostname OR IP address>
  • sh <user>@<hostname OR IP address>: To login to the remote server with specific username and password.

    -l attribute can also be used.

      $ ssh <user>@<hostname OR IP address>
      $ ssh –l <user> <hostname OR IP Address>

Password-Less Authentication

  • Password-less authentication is an authentication method via SSH Keys / key-pair (private key + public key) in order to login to the remote server without password.

  • How Password-less Authentication Works

    1. Create a key-pair on the client:

      • Use ssh-keygen command to generate key-pair:

          $ ssh-keygen –t rsa
      • Public and Private key are stored at below location.

        • Public key: /home/rohit/.ssh/id_rsa.pub , extension .pub.

        • Private key: /home/rohit/.ssh/id_rsa, no extension.

    2. Copy public key to the remote server:

      • For this, make use of ssh-copy-id <user>@<hostname OR IP address> command, and after running this command it asks for the password:

      • This command copies the public key on a remote server in a special file called as authorized_keys at /home/rohit/.ssh/authorized_keys location on remote server.

          $ ssh-copy-id username@server_ip_or_hostname
      • Now, we can login to remote server without password.

    3. Test the SSH Connection:

      • Now, we can login to remote server without password., log in to the server to verify password-less authentication:

          $ ssh username@server_ip_or_hostname


  • SCP stands for Secure Copy Protocol is a command-line tool that allows to copy or transfer data over SSH between a local system and a remote system, or between two remote systems.

  • The basic syntax of the SCP command is:

      $ scp [options] source destination
    • source: The path of the file or directory to copy.

    • destination: The target location where the file or directory will be copied.

Common SCP Options

-rCopy directories recursively.
-PSpecify an alternative SSH port.
-iUse a specific private key for authentication.
-vEnable verbose output for debugging.
-CEnable compression for faster transfers.
-qSuppress progress meter and non-error messages.


  • To copy a compressed file to a remote server

    • devapp01 = hostname of remote server
    $ scp /home/rohit/caleston-code.tar.gz devapp01:/home/rohit
  • To copy a directory to a remote server:

    • -r = to copy directory

    • -p = to preserve the ownership and permission of the source file

    $ scp –pr /home/rohit/media/ devapp01:/home/rohit



  • A cron job is a scheduled task in Linux that is executed automatically at specified intervals without any human intervention (uses crond service or cron daemon).

  • It is widely used for automating repetitive tasks, such as system maintenance, backups, monitoring, and updates.

Components of Cron Jobs

  1. Cron Daemon (crond service):

    • The background process that manages and executes scheduled tasks.

    • It starts automatically on system boot.

  2. Cron Table (crontab):

    • A configuration file where you define the tasks and their schedules.

    • Each user can have their own crontab file.

    • System-wide cron jobs are stored in /etc/crontab or /etc/cron.d/.

Crontab Syntax

* * * * * command_to_execute
- - - - -
| | | | |
| | | | +---- Day of the week (0 - 7, where both 0 and 7 mean Sunday)
| | | +------ Month (1 - 12)
| | +-------- Day of the month (1 - 31)
| +---------- Hour (0 - 23)
+------------ Minute (0 - 59)


Setting Up Cron Jobs

  1. Edit the Crontab File: To edit the crontab file for the current user

     $ crontab -e
    • This opens the crontab file in the default editor (e.g., vi or vim).
  2. View Existing Cron Jobs: To list all cron jobs for the current user

     $ crontab -l
  3. Remove Cron Jobs: To remove all cron jobs for the current user:

     $ crontab -r
  4. Display last time edited the crontab file:

     $ crontab -v
  5. Check if the job executed successfully: Inspect the log file

     $ tail /var/log/syslog

Examples of Cron Job Scheduling

ScheduleCrontab EntryDescription
Every minute* * * * * commandRuns the command every minute.
Every hour0 * * * * commandRuns the command at the start of every hour.
Every day at midnight0 0 * * * commandRuns the command daily at midnight.
Every Sunday at 3:00 AM0 3 * * 0 commandRuns the command every Sunday at 3:00 AM.
Every 15 minutes*/15 * * * * commandRuns the command every 15 minutes.
Every 5th day of the month at 6 PM0 18 5 * * commandRuns the command on the 5th of each month at 6 PM.


  • Do not use sudo in the crontab command, it will run the job as a root user and not the current user.